Is Ceylon gem lab reliable?: Best review (2023)

Is Ceylon gem lab reliable

Ceylon Gem Lab is a gemological lab in Sri Lanka that tests and certifies gems for various things. The Sri Lanka Accreditation Board (SLAB) has approved the lab, and it tests and certifies gems according to international standards and rules. But it’s not easy to say if Ceylon Gem Lab is reliable without looking more closely at the lab’s credentials, methods, and reputation. Actually, Is Ceylon gem lab reliable to all? Read more about this context here.

Recognition of Ceylon Gem Lab

Is Ceylon gem lab reliable
Is Ceylon gem lab reliable for all gem quality testing?

Firstly, let’s look at the accreditation and recognition of the Ceylon Gem Lab. The lab is approved by SLAB, a national group that evaluates conformity assessment bodies like testing and calibration labs, certification and inspection bodies, and proficiency testing providers.

As part of the accreditation process, the technical skills, fairness, and quality management system of the lab are all carefully looked at.

Accreditation by SLAB means that Ceylon Gem Lab has met these strict requirements and can produce test results that are accurate and reliable.

Applied Industries: Is Ceylon Gem Lab Reliable?

Is Ceylon gem lab reliable?
Gem lab in Sri Lanka

In addition to being accredited by SLAB, the Ceylon Gem Lab is recognized by a number of industry groups and bodies. For example, the laboratory is a member of the International Colored Gemstone Association (ICA), a global trade organization for the colored gemstone industry. To be a member of the ICA, you have to follow ethical and professional standards. This shows that the Ceylon Gem Lab is reliable and trustworthy.

Furthermore, Ceylon Gem Lab adheres to international standards and gem testing and certification guidelines. For example, the lab uses the standards set by the GIA (Gemological Institute of America), especially in grading diamonds. These standards are widely seen as the industry standard. The Ceylon Gem Lab also uses high-tech tools and methods for testing to make sure that the results are correct.


Services of the Ceylon Gem Lab: Is Ceylon Gem Lab reliable?

Is Ceylon gem lab reliable
Is Ceylon gem lab reliable? Gem color measuring

The lab offers a wide range of services for testing and certifying gems, such as identifying gemstones, finding out where they came from, and grading diamonds and colored gemstones. The reports issued by the Ceylon Gem Lab are comprehensive.

They tell you everything you need to know about the gemstone, such as its physical and optical properties, how it was treated or improved, and any other important information.

Main Focus: Ceylon Gem Lab

Is Ceylon gem lab reliable

CGL mainly focuses on gem color and issues a standard report on colored stones. Also, they are marked with the color gradient and give customers of the facility the option of getting a color radiation report from a third party with a good reputation and high standards. Another unique feature of CGL is the ability to identify treated gems. If you buy a gem from a seller, you can request a quality report if the gem has been treated to change the color or structure. These are the highly focused duties at CGL in Sri Lanka. 

But the Ceylon Gem Lab’s reliability depends on how well it runs internally and manages quality. The laboratory’s personnel should be highly trained and competent in gem testing and certification. The Ceylon Gem Lab’s staff comprises highly experienced gemologists. Generally, they have completed formal gemological education and earned the necessary credentials.


CGL Quality Standard

Also, the Ceylon Gem Lab should have a strong quality management system to ensure its test results are correct, consistent, and reliable. The lab should have rules about controlling the testing environment, running the tests, and handling and storing gemstones. The quality management system at Ceylon Gem Lab is based on the ISO/IEC 17025 international standard for testing and calibration labs.

Another aspect of reliability is the laboratory’s reputation within the gemstone industry. Ceylon Gem Lab has been in business for over 20 years and is known for giving accurate and reliable test results. The laboratory has served many clients, including gemstone traders, jewelers, collectors, and enthusiasts. The laboratory’s reports are widely recognized and accepted by the gemstone industry.


Transparency & Trustwarthy

Additionally, Ceylon Gem Lab is transparent about its testing procedures and results. The lab gives clear, detailed reports explaining how the tests were done, the results, and any other important information. The lab’s clients can also ask for more information or clarification on their reports, and the staff is always happy to help.



In conclusion, Ceylon Gem Lab can be trusted as a gemological lab because it is accredited, well-known follows international standards, has good internal procedures, and has a good reputation. But it’s always a good idea to do your own research and be careful before choosing a gem lab for your specific needs.


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