What should be done if Gemstone gets Cracked? Here’s a guide just for you in 2023

Gemstones are prized for their beauty, rarity, and value, but they are also delicate and can be easily damaged. One of the most common issues with gemstones is cracking, which can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as accidental impact, exposure to extreme temperature changes, or natural inclusions in the stone. While a cracked gemstone can be disheartening, it’s important to know that there are options available to remedy the situation.

What should be done if gemstone gets cracked?

In this article, we will discuss what should be done if a gemstone gets cracked, including how to assess the damage, options for repair, and when it may be necessary to replace the stone. Whether you have a valuable family heirloom or a newly purchased piece of jewelry, knowing how to handle a cracked gemstone can help you make the best decision for your situation.

What should be Done if a Gemstone gets Cracked

  1. Assess the damage: The first step is to examine the stone under a magnifying glass to determine the extent of the damage. If the crack is small and not visible to the naked eye, it may not be a cause for concern. However, if the crack is large or deep, it could affect the gemstone’s appearance and value.
  2. Take it to a professional: If the gemstone is valuable or sentimental, take it to a professional jeweler or gemologist for evaluation. They can assess the damage and recommend the best course of action. They can also provide you with an estimate of the cost for repair or replacement.
  3. Consider repair: Depending on the severity of the crack, it may be possible to repair the gemstone. For minor cracks, a jeweler may be able to fill the crack with a special resin or epoxy that can strengthen the stone and prevent further damage. However, it’s important to note that this process can affect the clarity and color of the stone, so it’s best to consult with a professional before proceeding.
  4. Replace the stone: If the crack is severe and the gemstone cannot be repaired, it may need to be replaced. This is often the case with lower-value gemstones, as the cost of repair may be more than the stone is worth.
  5. Prevent future damage: Once the issue has been resolved, take steps to prevent future damage to the gemstone. Avoid wearing it in situations where it could be exposed to impact or extreme temperature changes, and store it in a safe place when not in use.

How to Assess the Damage

  1. Use a magnifying glass: Use a jeweler’s loupe or other magnifying glass to examine the gemstone closely. Look for any visible cracks, chips, or other damage.
  2. Check for clarity: Look at the clarity of the gemstone. If the crack runs through the stone, it may affect the stone’s clarity, making it look cloudy or hazy.
  3. Check for color: If the gemstone is a colored stone, check to see if the color has been affected by the crack. Some cracks can affect the color of the stone, making it look dull or washed out.
  4. Check for rough edges: If the crack has caused any rough edges or jagged areas on the gemstone, it’s important to note this, as it may cause additional damage to the setting or surrounding stones.
  5. Check for movement: Finally, gently tap the gemstone to see if it moves or makes a rattling sound. If so, this may indicate that the stone has been completely separated and needs to be re-set or replaced.

What should be done if gemstone gets cracked?Options for Repair

  1. Filling the crack: For minor cracks, a jeweler may be able to fill the crack with a special resin or epoxy. This process can help strengthen the stone and prevent further damage. However, it’s important to note that this process can affect the clarity and color of the stone, so it’s best to consult with a professional before proceeding.
  2. Re-polishing: If the crack is shallow, a jeweler may be able to remove the surface layer of the stone to eliminate the crack. This process is called re-polishing and can restore the stone’s appearance.
  3. Re-cutting: If the crack is deep or runs through the stone, it may be necessary to re-cut the stone to remove the damaged area. This process can be more costly than other repair options, but it can restore the stone to its original beauty and value.
  4. Replacing the stone: If the crack is too severe to repair, the stone may need to be replaced. A professional jeweler or gemologist can help you find a new stone that matches the original in terms of color, clarity, and size.

When it may be Necessary to Replace the Stone

  1. Deep or extensive cracks: If the crack is deep or runs through the stone, it may be impossible to repair without affecting the stone’s appearance or value. In this case, replacing the stone may be the best option.
  2. Valuable or rare stones: If the stone is particularly valuable or rare, it may be worth replacing rather than attempting a repair that could lower the stone’s value.
  3. Lower-value stones: If the stone is of lower value or sentimental value, it may be more cost-effective to replace the stone rather than invest in a repair.
  4. Multiple cracks or damage: If the stone has multiple cracks or other damage, it may be more practical to replace the stone rather than attempt multiple repairs.


In conclusion, a cracked gemstone can be a cause for concern, but there are options for repair or replacement. It’s important to assess the damage carefully and seek the advice of a professional jeweler or gemologist to determine the best course of action. Options for repair can include filling the crack, re-polishing, re-cutting, or replacing the stone, depending on the severity of the damage and the value of the stone. By taking the time to carefully evaluate the damage and consider the available options, you can restore your gemstone to its original beauty and value. Remember, prevention is always the best policy, so it’s important to handle and store your gemstones carefully to avoid damage in the first place.

Want to know about the gemstones that come from Australia? Read it here.

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